Lawrence S. Wittner

Solidarity Press
Paperback:  $14.95
eBook:  $2.99

What’s Going On at UAardvark? is a fast-paced political satire about how an increasingly corporatized, modern American university becomes the site of a rambunctious rebellion that turns the nation’s campus life upside down.

Excerpts from reviews of the book:

“Humorous, insightful. . . .  A well-paced university novel, certain to provide academics with many knowing chuckles.”–Kirkus Reviews 

What’s Going On at UAardvark? is a must for anyone attending or teaching college.” —New Politics 

“Through his skillful weaving of the seemingly absurd with the probable, Wittner concocts a telling indictment of what is happening to public higher education.–Dissident Voice 

What’s Going On at UAardvark? offers a satiric look at the contemporary university, full of humorous caricatures.”–The Satirist

“By extrapolating the trends that are already happening, by daring to exaggerate and caricature in order to dramatically catch our attention, Lawrence Wittner has succeeded in writing a futuristic saga of academe that is reminiscent of Rabelais, Jonathan Swift, and the best of graphic novels.  What’s Going on at UAardvark? is a rollicking narrative that is brisk, entirely outrageous and yet scarily possible. . . .  [It] is a roaring tirade, a Mad Magazine of horror and laughter, a healthy tonic for what ails us in higher education.”–Hollywood Progressive