CNDP Statement condemning Indian government’s refusal to join UN negotiations to ban nuclear weapons

CNDP Statement condemning Indian government’s refusal to join UN negotiations to ban nuclear weapons

This week at the UN Headquarters in New York, an unprecedented marks the commencement of negotiation is at the United Nations Headquarters in New Yorktaking place wherein most member states of the UN General Assembly are discussing on a comprehensive legal prohibition on the use, possession, production, stockpiling and deployment of nuclear weapons. The treaty, if adopted, would mark a significant step towards the eventual goal of the complete elimination of these weapons of mass destruction.
Citizens’ Statement Condemning the Indian Government’s Abstention from the UN Vote on Nuclear Ban

Citizens’ Statement Condemning the Indian Government’s Abstention from the UN Vote on Nuclear Ban

We, as citizens of India strongly condemn the abstention by the Indian government from the UN vote to ban all nuclear weapons. This irresponsible diplomatic gesture goes against much of our own history when we were in the forefront of the diplomatic effort to promote comprehensive nuclear disarmament with an emphasis to go beyond the limitations of the Non-proliferation Treaty(NPT). India today stands on the wrong side of the history when the overwhelming majority of nations in the UN voted for negotiating ban, except a handful of countries having nuclear weapons and those under their influence.