Founding Charter and subsequent Declarations and Resolutions

The Coalition for Nuclear Disarmament and Peace (CNDP) was constituted in November (11-13) 2000, as the national coalition of organizations and individuals in India committed to and working for nuclear disarmament, in response to nuclear weaponisation in India, and soon after Pakistan, against a background of the global stockpiling of nuclear weapons.

Since the November 2000 founding convention, another two national conventions have taken place, roughly at an interval of four years. First, in November (26-28) 2004 in Jaipur. Then again in February (1-3) 2008 in Nagpur.

While the founding charter, in no uncertain terms, provided the basic contours of the position/ policy/programme of the national coalition thus constituted, the very reason and justification for its coming into being and continued existence; the subsequent two conventions, taking off from this founding charter and in its emphatic reiteration, proceeded to examine the specificities of the situations obtaining then and work out the broad roadmap for the anti-nuclear peace movement in India in the days ahead, in tandem with the regional and global peace movements.

Collated below, in chronological order, are the major documents – the (founding) Charter, and Jaipur and Nagpur Declarations. Also included are three other clarificatory Resolutions adopted in Nagpur. Read together, they present a comprehensive picture, through the eyes of the CNDP, on the grave nuclear threats facing us – as Indians, as South Asians and also as global citizens – the major concerns and various linkages. And, even more importantly, how to tackle, combat and reverse such predicaments under the circumstances that obtain.